Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Modern Day Sadness

My modern day madness!!!
Sadness...quietly addicted
To being afflicted....affliction...affection
Deflection...resurrection of my addiction
My erection for that section of my life
That section of day to day strife
My modern day madness?
Glassless houses of stone throwing
Bestowing upon the world my bellowing
Belly aching....distaste for distraction
As I walk as a contradiction.
Sick of it...the taste...the waste
Of it bleeds from me.

Own It

But just a thought that 
Sought it's own freedom
To be birthed into the world
And given to the people
The weeble wobble of monotonous inconsistencies
Maliciously vicious
Your future debated and elaborated
To you....for you?
Where does it come?
Not from you...
Your world is just your own
As your perception dictates
Distaste for the bickering
The snickering behind closed doors
Come out come out where ever you are
From near or far and stake your claim
Take some blame and regain what it is that is yours
Open doors that have been slammed shut
With what you say?
Try day by day to manifest this change
This exchange of thoughts and ideals
The appeal to the people...
We need you.